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Everything is Content


Did you know that everything is content?

Do you want to know how to get unlimited ideas for new content?

Content is and will always be king when it comes to a website, a blog, social media, email lists, and any other form of digital real estate.

But King Content cannot survive without its Queen Consistency. Content is critical, but consistency in distributing content might be just as important. This is exceptionally accurate in today’s highly competitive niche markets.

Getting into the everything is content mindset is needed but also remember that it will back the consistency requirement for posting that content for others even to notice you and your brand exists.


Everything is Content for Your Smartphone

My niche market is outdoor recreation and nature.

If you open the gallery tab on my phone, you’ll find 15 to 2-minute videos and photos of nothing but nature, wildlife, and the outdoors.

That is because I have my phone out shooting everything I see that can tell a story.

Photos and videos of bugs!

Photos and videos of wildflowers!

Photos and videos of waterfalls!

Everything nature that can be seen in awe is content usually saved on my phone. I try to get daily videos to have daily scope for my social media pages.

Photos are usually shared on Twitter and Facebook, while videos are shared on YouTube Shorts, Instagram, and TikTok. I might also video the same thing twice at different angles to upload original content to each video-related social network.

The trick is knowing that everything is content when I’m outside in nature and that my phone should be recording it through video and photos.

Lucky for us, smartphones have fantastic cameras for social media sharing.


Cut Your Existing Content Up

If you create long-form content, cut it up and share it on other sources you post on.

Repurposing is an excellent tactic for everything in a content mindset.

This tactic is used by many people who blog and use social media. You write a long blog post and then Tweet snippets of that long post. You could even screenshot your Tweets and share them on Instagram or LinkedIn. You could create mini-blogs using the same content on your long-form for threads on Twitter. Repurpose your content so that you never have to run out of ideas.

The same concept can be used with long-form videos. You can take pieces of the videos you create and use those short portions as reels and shorts on Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and whatever short-video networks you use to market your content.


Everything is Content Especially Old Content

Too many content creators’ mistake of assuming that what they posted yesterday stays with yesterday’s content.

This means that assuming previously posted content cannot be used anymore is entirely wrong – even on Instagram and Snap.

Reshare that old content!

Old content is a great way to get more eyes on your brand. I make it a happen to go through and share my old blog posts periodically throughout the year.

Another great thing to do, if you can, is to edit old content and update it to reflect modern-day changes. This is especially handy with old blog posts.

All things are content, and that includes older content posted long ago. Bring some life to your best content and reshare that.


So, before you think you can run out of content ideas, think again because everything is contained in the world of websites, social, and digital real estate. Follow the straightforward suggestions above, and you’ll have enough content to survive a lifetime with.

Shawn Gossman

About the Author

Shawn Gossman has created content, blogged, ran online communities, and shared a passion for digital marketing for over twenty years. Shawn believes the best way to help content creators, businesses, brands, and marketers is to give away more than you sell. The same advice is recommended for the readers that follow this blog. Shawn also offers a variety of services for extra help in the area of content creation, blogging, forums, and digital marketing.

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