Shawn Gossman

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Looking for my blogging tips blog? I moved blogs!

Outdoor Growth

Outdoor Growth

Outdoor GrowthI’ll be launching a community soon called Outdoor Growth. It’s a community geared towards outdoor recreation lovers like me who want to expand into the content creator realms. Maybe you want to create an outdoor blog or become a freelance writer. Maybe...

Extreme Cycling

Extreme Cycling

Extreme CyclingI’m not an extreme cyclist. I don’t do high speed desert cycling. I don’t race in the Tour de France. I don’t even really race. If I do ride in a race, my goal is to finish, not win. I’m not an extreme cyclist. But here lately, the weather has been...

Why Have a Newsletter?

Why Have a Newsletter?

Why Have a Newsletter? ​A newsletter is good to have for many reasons. It’s a direct line of contact between you and your followers, subscribers, and customers. Social media algorithms can’t get in between you and your newsletter subscribers. Google’s search engine...



ConsistencyConsistency is important. If you want to grow your social media presence, you need to be consistent about posting and engagement. If you want to grow your blog audience, you need to be consistent about posting and responding to blog comments. Consistency is...



Buffering...I have multiple online projects. Most of them use at least one or two social media pages to help promote them. In order to stay ahead and stay sane, I use social media scheduling features. I use scheduling on my blog, too. It’s not cheating. It’s staying...

Artificial Unintelligence

Artificial Unintelligence

Artificial UnintelligenceArtificial intelligence is not a thing. But it can be used for bad things. Using it to create your blog posts is a bad idea. You can't confirm accuracy when you do this. If you use AI to create an outline, fix grammar, or make a statement more...

No brand means no reputation

No brand means no reputation

No brand means no reputationBranding is important. There are over a billion websites online. An estimate 600 million of those websites are blogs. You've just made a website. You've just made a blog. Your 1 blog against 600 million others. That sounds impossible to...

Paid Community Guide

Paid Community Guide

Paid Community GuideI’m going to launch a paid online community soon. It’ll cost $25 a month to be a member. If that’s too much, then I assume you’re not serious about the topic of the community. It would be better if you didn’t join. The topic is: Paid Online...

A successful community makes connections

A successful community makes connections

A successful community makes connectionsIf you want to start a successful community on the internet, you have to be able to provide value to its members. Without value, success just cannot happen. This is even more important if you decide you want to charge money to...

Missed a few days

Missed a few days

Missed a few days...I was on a good streak posting a new blog post daily here on the blog. Then the weekend came, and I totally forgot I was doing a daily blog again. I wonder if Seth Godin ever missed a daily blog? I bet he didn't. That's okay. I'm not Seth Godin....

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