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Do you know how to niche down?

First, select your niche.

Don’t choose something because it’s trendy. Instead, choose something you know about and are passionate about.

No one will ever listen to you if you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Let’s say your passion is cycling.

That’s your niche.

But cycling is an oversaturated niche. So it’ll be hard to get noticed.

So you should continue to niche down.

Let’s say your favorite type of cycling is gravel biking.

Gravel biking is your niche.

It’s still a popular niche that’s hard to compete with.

So, let’s niche down even more.

Let’s say your favorite gravel bike is a Trek Checkpoint, the popular gravel bike created by the Trek Brand.

That’s your niche.

Now you know what we mean by niching down. Just keep niching down until you find that topic that empowers you.

And then go with it…

Shawn Gossman

About the Author

Shawn Gossman has created content, blogged, ran online communities, and shared a passion for digital marketing for over twenty years. Shawn believes the best way to help content creators, businesses, brands, and marketers is to give away more than you sell. The same advice is recommended for the readers that follow this blog. Shawn also offers a variety of services for extra help in the area of content creation, blogging, forums, and digital marketing. Learn more about Shawn Gossman by clicking here.

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