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10 Beginner Blog

SEO Strategies

to Boost

Your Blog Views

Beginner blog SEO sounds scary if it’s new to you.

But SEO or search engine optimization doesn’t have to be as scary as it might sound. There are many technical aspects to blog SEO, but that doesn’t mean you need to master every one. There are a lot of beginner blog SEO strategies that will help get your blog ranking on Google and other search engines.

So, let’s get into how to use these easy beginner blog SEO strategies today!


Beginner Blog SEO for Keywords

These strategies impact SEO through the use of keywords.


Blog SEO Strategy 1: Choose the Right Keywords

The first strategy for bettering your blog SEO is to choose the right keyword for your next article.

Choose a keyword that is easy to target by analyzing the competition when you put it in search. If there are a lot of big websites taking up page one for that keyword, chances are, it will be hard to compete. Instead, choose a long-tail keyword or key phrase that will be easier to rank for.

For example, “beginner mountain bike techniques” will be easier to rank than “beginner mountain biking” because it’s a less common term.


SEO Strategy 2: Keyword Placement

You must strategically place your targeted keyword or key phrase throughout your post.

You should be adding it to the beginning of your title. You should be adding it to most headers on your blog. And you should be adding your keyword where it makes sense within your content, especially at the beginning of the blog.

Don’t add your keyword too much; otherwise, it is keyword stuffing, and it can do more harm than good.


SEO Strategy 3: Image Keywords

Your blog post should have compelling and eye-catching images infused with your keyword.

Find the best photo for your blog post. Make the alt text for the image to reflect your keyword. It might also help if the image’s file name is your keyword.

A couple of photos that are relatable to your content is always a best practice.


Beginner Blog SEO for Posts

These strategies impact blog SEO through post modifications.


Blog SEO Strategy 4: Links

Adding internal and external links to your blog post will also help rank the post.

This blog SEO strategy aims at providing directly relevant links to other pages and posts on your blog. But it would help if you also linked to highly relatable websites and their content that does not belong to you. It is essential to have internal and external links on your blog posts.

Just make sure the links are relevant and trustworthy; otherwise, it could hurt your post.


SEO Strategy 5: Length

Creating posts with the proper length is a great beginner blog SEO strategy to turn into a habit.

There is no magic number for the number of words you should use, but your post should at least have more than 500-words and upwards of 1,000-words. You should use sentence structures that make it easy to read. I urge you to focus on creating content that is easy to skim through, too.

It is a mobile phone age, and people want to keep reading while moving their screen.


SEO Strategy 6: Different Keywords

Don’t use the same keyword for different articles.

You should only focus on one keyword or key phrase for one article. If you focus on the same keyword in different articles, you confuse search engines’ algorithms. You should focus on related key phrases for the following article ideas but don’t just use the same one repeatedly.

Learn how to find related keywords using free tools such as Keywords Everywhere.


SEO Strategy 7: SEO Tools

Check out some essential beginner blog SEO tools available for you for free.

I’ve mentioned Keywords Everywhere, which will show you rankings for searched keywords and more. You can also use trial versions of SEMRush and UbberSuggest to do keyword research. Use features of Google, too, like Keyword Planner and Search Console.

Don’t let these SEO tools’ challenging features scare you away – learn as you go.


Beginner Blog SEO for Behavior

These strategies impact blog SEO through the behavior of the creator (you).


Blog SEO Strategy 8: Consistency is Important

Choose a day of the week or month to post a new blog post and stick with it.

One of the most critical beginner blog SEO tips is consistency in your content submission. I recommend at least posting or working towards the goal of posting once a week. You need to make sure you post consistently so that search engines understand when you are serving content to your audience.

Just don’t make the mistake of overwhelming yourself by posting too frequently.


SEO Strategy 9: Human Quality

Write for humans and not for search engines.

When you’re writing a new blog post, write for human beings because they’re the ones you want to follow you. Don’t write for search engines assuming that you’re going to rank higher. Search engines these days are bright and have Artificial Intelligence features that can quickly detect those who are trying to trick the system.

Be sure to use proper grammar and spelling and write in a personal tone.


SEO Strategy 10: Set Goals

Set a goal for each blog post and set an overall goal for the blog.

I often suggest that you treat your blog like it is a business, even if it isn’t at first. Set a goal for each post that you create and have an end objective for them. Set an overall goal for your blog – mine is to make it a full-time activity eventually.

Setting goals for your posts and your blog is a great way to continue motivating yourself as a blogger.


Beginner blog SEO doesn’t have to be so challenging anymore.

The internet is vast with the knowledge that helps us do things a lot easier. But it requires that we do things strategically to get traffic to our blogs. Follow these easy beginner blog SEO tips above, and you should have no issues getting readers.

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Shawn Gossman

Shawn Gossman


Shawn Gossman has been blogging for nearly 25-years. Shawn is a digital and social media strategist and enjoy content writing, search engine optimization, and social media marketing. Shawn is a certified Digital Marketing Strategist and has an MBA from Colorado Technical University in Colorado Springs, Colorado.